International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund

Te gjitha analizat qartesojne se arritja e objektivave sociale per me shume punesim, me pak varferi dhe pabarazi, kerkojne burime financiare per te mbeshtetur nje ekonomi me te qendrueshme dhe me kohezion social. Kete vit takimi i Pranveres i FMN dhe Bankes Boterore do te fokusohet ne perdorimin e teknologjive te reja ne manaxhimin e financave publike. Tre prioritete vleresohen kritike :

(i) modernizimi i administrates – shume i rendesishem per efektet pozitive te politikave fiskale;

(ii) projeksionet afatmesme dhe afatgjate te te ardhurave duhet te reduktojne efktet negative te objektivave afatshkurtra; 

(iii) rritja e transparnces se manaxhimit te finacave publike.

Nje studim i FMN provon se rritja e transaprences se financave publike sipas standarteve te saj, vetem tre muaj pas arritjes se ketij standarti kosto e borxhit te vendit ulet me 15%. Ne duhet ti debatojme ne qarqet universitare opsionet alternative, duke i sherbyer mireqeverisjes se vendit.

Ju falenderoj

Let me conclude where I began—with the need to sow the seeds of a more sustainable and more inclusive economy.

Your efforts to build tax capacity are vital to achieving that goal. Your economies and societies will reap the benefits of reform.

For example, new IMF staff research[2] shows that greater data transparency—promoted through the IMF data standard initiatives—leads to a 15 percent reduction in the spreads on emerging market sovereign bonds—three months after the improvements are made.

Here I would like to mention that the upcoming Fiscal Forum, in Washington, D.C., will focus on “Digital Revolutions in Public Finance.” I hope all of you can come and join this debate during the IMF Spring Meetings.