Luarasi University is the persistence of a rich tradition in the field of education, synonymous of the national and secular Albanian school.
Luarasi University was founded in 2003, based on some basic principles that distinguish it from many other higher education institutions. Luarasi was created with a single purpose: quality and professional preparation of students at contemporary levels.
The moral code, principles and goals of the establishment in 2003 have been continuously followed. During the 19 years from the establishment day, they gave to the school an honorable name and full credibility in the public opinion and in the higher education market.
Luarasi University started its activity with a single faculty, the Faculty of Law. In the following years, the school has expanded with new faculties, branches and profiles, it has been equipped with a magnificent campus, has strengthened links with the judiciary, with business organizations in the field of economics and finance, and has expanded links with similar universities in the country and abroad.
Quality assurance has been and remains a priority for students and faculty members. For students it means the attainment of programs, continuous attendance of all components of the learning process, such as classes, seminars and internships to obtain the necessary ECTS credits, according to the law on higher education. For the academic staff, quality means a high level of qualification, scientific titles and degrees and real contributions to scientific research.
Quality is a process that is periodically verified through accreditation by domestic and foreign agencies. Luarasi University curricula are all accredited. During 2017, the institutional accreditation was successfully completed by a British agency, which evaluated it with the maximum grade and ranked it among the best higher education institutions in the country.
The Luarasi diploma has a high reliability, it has become a well-known brand at home and abroad. Luarasi students have been accepted for the continuation of study cycles, without additional exams, in prestigious foreign universities, and have even been employed in EU countries, USA, and other.
Prof. Aleks Luarasi
Founder of Luarasi University