Economy Faculty Master of Science

Master of Science in Executive Management

Duration                      2 Academic Years
Credits                         120 ECTS

Why should you register for this Master?

Executive management is seen as a necessity nowadays in every organization at the supervisory and managerial level. Executive management serves to enhance the managerial experience of employees and executives by comparing them with conceptual justification and building their skills for positive career development.

For this purpose, the Master of Science “Executive Management” helps, which meets the growing need for in-depth scientific training, in order to enable the student for an independent scientific research in the field of executive management, in line with developments in the sector of business.

To whom is this Master addressed?

This master is mainly addressed to students who have completed a Bachelor study program 3 academic years, or 4 academic years in the field of economics who want to benefit in-depth studies in the field of executive management, in order to be employed as experts or executives in various businesses , experts or managers of finance and accounting departments, expert or manager in human resources offices or departments, market and price analyst, credit and financial markets analyst, general manager, etc.

This master is also aimed at students / specialists graduated in economics / law, who want to undertake a career in the academic field.

What does this Master contain?

Master of Science in “Executive Management” through an in-depth and contemporary treatment of knowledge in the field of banking and finance aims to give specialists a range of professional competencies

Possession of basic and modern knowledge of business management and administration at local, national, regional, international level, etc.

Opportunity for deepening knowledge and continuing professional qualification and research in the third cycle system in the above fields or combined fields related to the management and administration of business, various firms and companies, NGOs, various institutions, etc.

Master of Science studies program in Executive Management Program

Master of Science in Executive Management Program

Master of Science / Executive Management

The study program of this master aims to provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge for running medium and large companies, both inside and outside the country. Analysis of service and production processes, as well as good reading of balance sheets, are just some of the skills that will be transmitted through this master. This study program includes:

Nr. First Year. 60 ECTS
1 Labor Economics 6
2 Managerial Economics 6
3 Strategic Management 6
4 Financial Management 6
5 Human Resources and Career Management 6
6 Information Systems Management 6
7 Change and Growth Management 6
8 Project Management 6
9 Marketing Management 6
10 Corporate Governance / Managerial Skills 6
Nr. Viti i dytë 60 ECTS
1 Politikat e Zhvillimit 6
2 Metodologjia e kerkimit 6
3 E drejte Biznesi/Leadership 6
4 Praktika 12
5 Tema e Diplomes 30

Master of Science in Banking and Financial Markets

Duration               2 Academic Years


Credits                120 ECTS

Why should you register for this Master?

Executive management is seen as a necessity nowadays in every organization at the supervisory and managerial level. Executive management serves to enhance the managerial experience of employees and executives by comparing them with conceptual justification and building their skills for positive career development.

For this purpose, the Master of Science “Executive Management” helps, which meets the growing need for in-depth scientific training, in order to enable the student for an independent scientific research in the field of executive management, in line with developments in the sector of business.

To whom is this Master addressed?

This master is mainly addressed to economists who want to benefit from in-depth studies in the field of banking and financial markets, in order to be employed as employees and managers of banks, insurance companies or financial institutions, managers and specialists of the sector and public institutions such as the Ministry of Finance. of Economy, etc., financial and economic departments of Municipalities and Communes; corporate executives or their top managers; financial directing or accounting in national and local public institutions, international institutions specialized in the field of finance and banking, financial analysts in mass media, etc.


What does this Master contain?

The Master is focused on a scientific and in-depth study of key areas such as public finance, budget design, analysis and management, bank management, insurance and financial markets, corporate governance, etc.

The Master of Science “Banks and Financial Markets” provides students with the following professional competencies on:

-successful recognition and management of the Central Bank and commercial banks, insurance companies and financial markets in general or their sectors in particular

-drafting, analyzing and managing public finances and budget

-planning and management of the tax and customs sector

Master of Science studies program in Banking and Financial Markets

Master of Science / Banking and Financial Markets

Graduates in this Master of Science have the full potential of knowledge to work efficiently and professionally in the best financial companies such as Banks, Insurance Companies, Investment Funds, Microcredit and Consumer Credit Companies, Auditing and Accounting Companies, etc. This study program includes:

Nr. First Year. 60 ECTS
1 Advanced Microeconomics 6
2 Banking Market and Banking 6
3 Banks and Banking Management 6
4 National Accounting 6
5 Capital Institutions and Financial Markets 6
6 Applied Econometrics 6
7 Advanced Macroeconomics 6
8 International Banking and Financial Standards 6
9 Investment and Portfolio Management 6
10 Corporate Financial Strategy 6
Nr. Viti i dytë 60 ECTS
1 Menaxhim Risku Financiar/Menaxhim Risku ne Sigurime 6
2 Metodologjia e kerkimit 6
3 Auditi Financiar dhe Bankar 6
4 Praktika 12
5 Tema e Diplomes 30

Master professional/ Financë dhe Menaxhim Risku

Ky master  profesional synon të jap  thelbin e dijes dhe praktikës për të lidhur në mënyrë sa më të shpejtë studentin me botën e punës. Menaxhimi i riskut financiar është kompetencë e domosdoshme per të mos lejuar shpërthimin e krizave financiare brenda kompanive dhe bizneseve. Ky master profesional përfshin:

Nr. Viti i pare 60 ECTS
1 Menaxhim Risku Financiar 6
2 Standardet Nderkombetare Bankare dhe Financiare 5
3 Metodologjia e Kerkimit ne Finance 5
4 Kontabilitet Drejtimi 5
5 Institucionet e Kapitaleve dhe Tregjet Financiare 6
6 Ekonometri e Aplikuar 5
7 Kontabilitet Financiar i Avancuar 5
8 Strategji e Korporatave Financiare/Strategji Financiare (Raste Studimore) 5
9 Praktike dhe Zhvillim Karriere 6
10 Teme Diplome 12

Master professional/ Kontabilitet

Më shumë se 100 mijë biznese në Shqiperi kanë detyrimin ligjor  për të paraqitur bilancet e tyre vjetore. Këto biznese  kane nevojë te konsultohen me kontabilist dhe auditues cilesorë, të cilët duhet  të kenë të gjitha aftësitë për të dhënë ekspertizën e tyre më të mirë. Ky master synon  të përgatisë profesionistë të këtyre fushave. Ky master përfshin:

Nr. Viti i pare 60 ECTS
1 Menaxhim Risku Financiar 6
2 Standardet Nderkombetare Bankare dhe Financiare 5
3 Metodologjia e Kerkimit ne Finance 5
4 Ekonometri e Aplikuar 5
5 Institucionet e Kapitaleve dhe Tregjet Financiare 6
6 Banking 5
7 Analiza e Raporteve Financiare 5
8 Strategji e Korporatave Financiare/Strategji Financiare (Raste Studimore) 5
9 Praktike dhe Zhvillim Karriere 6
10 Teme Diplome 12

Master professional/ Menaxhimi i Sigurimeve

Tregu i sigurimeve në vendin tonë po vjen duke u zgjeruar në mjaftë fusha të reja. Një prirje  e tillë kërkon domosdoshmërisht  profesionistë të përgatitur, jo vetëm për lidhjen e kontratave të sigurimeve, por edhe për të përllogaritur efektet e tyre finaciare. Masteri në Menaxhimin e Sigurimeve pranë Luarasit përmbush më së miri nevojën e tregut për këta specialistë. Ky program studimi përfshin:


Nr. Viti i pare 60 ECTS
1 Legjislacioni per Sigurimet 6
2 Sigurimi i Jo Jetes 5
3 Sigurimi i Jetes dhe Pensioneve 5
4 Menaxhimi dhe drejtim Biznesi ne Sigurime 5
5 Tregjet Financiare dhe tregu i Sigurimeve 6
6 Menaxhim Risku ne Sigurime 5
7 Menaxhimi i Demeve dhe Ri-Sigurimet 5
8 Bazat e Aktuaristikes/Etika e Biznesit 5
9 Praktike dhe Zhvillim Karriere 6
10 Teme Diplome 12

Master professional/ Marketing dhe Reklama

Në Shqipëri ka dhjetra televizione, radio, gazeta, portale dhe blogje, të cilat jetojnë me të ardhurat e siguruara nga finacimi i reklamave dhe promocioneve të bizneseve të ndryshme. Ky master përgatit sepcialistë që shërbejnë si një urë lidhëse mes biznesit dhe medias. Të diplomuarit në këtë master janë arkitektët e suksesit te produkteve apo sherbimeve te sponsorizuara.  Ky program studimi përfshin:


Nr. Viti i pare 60 ECTS
1 Menaxhim Bashkekohor i Marketingut 6
2 Menaxhim i Reklames dhe Komunikimi ne Marketing 5
3 Sjellje Konsumatore 5
4 Menaxhimi i PR dhe Marketing Korporatash 5
5 Metodologjia e kerkimit ne Marketing 6
6 Marketingu dhe Inovacioni 5
7 Menaxhimi i Cilesise dhe Standardeve 5
8 Psikologji Marketingu/Etika e Biznesit 5
9 Praktike dhe Zhvillim Karriere 6
10 Teme Diplome 12