The Academic Senate is the highest collegial academic body of the institution, responsible for fulfilling the mission of KU “Luarasi”
The Senate consists of ten members of the academic staff who represent the two main units of KU “Luarasi”, in the ratios 50% ÷ 50%, as well as three students.
The members of the senate are elected by the assemblies of the academic staff of the main units, through a general vote, for a four-year term, with the right of re-election, from among the members of
the full-time, self-nominated academic staff. The members of the senate belong to the category of “Professor” or have the scientific degree “Doctor” (“PHD”), obtained at the universities of the member countries of the OECD or the EU. In the absence of academic staff of the above categories and, for the purpose of representation, the lecturer may also run, when the latter holds the scientific degree “Doctor”.
Members of the academic staff who:
- a) are under criminal prosecution and have been given a personal security measure;
- b) have been convicted of criminal offenses by a final court decision;
- c) they have been disciplined.
Student representatives in the Senate are elected by the Student Council on the basis of voting, as defined in the regulations.
The Senate is chaired by the Rector and meets periodically. The meeting of the senate is convened by the Rector, in ordinary sessions, not less than four times a year. The agenda proposed by him and the materials for discussion are made available to the members of the senate no later than fifteen days before the date of the meeting. With the approval of the Senate, other issues proposed by the members of the Senate may be included in the agenda for consideration.
The Senate may also convene in extraordinary sessions at the invitation of the Rector, to discuss matters of an emergency nature. In this case the proposed agenda and materials for discussion are made available to the members of the senate no later than five days before the date of the meeting.
The Senate holds its meetings if the necessary quorum of 2/3 of the members is provided and takes decisions on issues within its competencies by a simple majority (50% + 1) of the votes of the participating members, unless otherwise provided in statute.
The term of office of a member of the senate ends at the end of the four-year term. The mandate is terminated before the end of the term when the member of the senate:
- a) is punished by a final court decision for committing a criminal offense;
- b) resigns;
- c) is unable to perform the task;
ç) serious violations of the law or the code of ethics have been ascertained.
The termination of the mandate for the cases provided above is ascertained by a decision of the majority of 2/3 of the members of the senate.
In cases when the mandate of the elected member is terminated before the end of the term, his place is occupied by the next candidate in the list of election results. The term of the new member is supplementary and lasts until the end of the four-year term of the senate.
In cases when the replacement becomes impossible and the number of members of the senate falls below 2/3, a general vote is organized to fill the vacancies, according to the provisions of this statute.
Decisions of the Academic Senate
Meeting of the Senate dt. 23.11.2016